Mar 10, 2025
20 years into a prosperous reign, King Jehoshaphat receives a report of a coalition of nations coming against him to war. Known more for being righteous than a warrior, he puts into action the only course he believes will help.
Instead of preparing swords, shields, and arrows, he calls for a nationwide day of prayer and fasting.
Join us today as we explore this story from 2 Chronicles 20 and see Jehoshaphat’s prayer that focuses on looking solely to God as an answer to this national crisis.
Jehoshaphat is not much different from you and me. We still have access to the same God of the Bible.
Listen to this inspiring story of God’s power and why this is so relevant for us today.
In this episode:
Are you overwhelmed by business because:
People have not acted honestly and to come clean will be costly. May lose customers.
Fear that being open and honest may result in a nonconformance in an audit or lose your certification or license.
You are a start-up and JUST DON’T KNOW what is the best way forward?
Are you overwhelmed in life because:
Your children are not following God
Your marriage is deteriorating because one or both are not on the same page
You are so busy with work you don’t feel you have time to get away and be with your family
Pray how Jehoshaphat prayed:
I have no might against this attack
I don’t know what to do
My eyes are upon YOU.
Listen in to the winning formula from the Bible in which God guarantees He will respond.
There is no one right way to success, but there is one right source of success.
As a student of the Bible, I believe that everything we do in life and business should be evaluated by the standard of God's Word. If God speaks to something, we should follow Him.
We are to be transformed by God's Word and not conformed to this world.
We make God known by creating content that is Biblically sound, simple to understand, practical, and worthy of God's name.
I happen to be a podcast host and coach
If you do not know what to do, I invite you to book a time with me that we may talk and pray and seek God’s face together.
Seek God’s face, get to know Him, and follow Him. It’s the only true one size-fits-all solution to success in business and life.
Book a time to talk: Let’s talk.
More About David Schmidt
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